Posts Tagged ‘sales training

At SocialAgenda Media we choose speakers and sales trainers for our bureau who at sales kickoff meetings and ask questions like this: “Why do the top 10 percent of your sales people produce most of the results? Why do they close more sales than the rest of your sales team? They have the same product […]

By Jan Hutchins, speaker & CEO of SocialAgenda Media. Everyone calls it a sales funnel but not everyone believes funnel is the right analogy. Many say the funnel has been leaking for years, doesn’t reflect the changes brought about by the Internet economy and is still in use only because we haven’t agreed on a better […]

The dirty little secrets in this article aren’t really dirty or little but they are sexy if making money turns you on. If you’ve always thought there’s got to be an easier way to make sales, or as a marketer you wanted to understand more about the mysteries behind the scenes of B2B conversions, or […]

How can we, marketers, become more helpful to Sales? Steve Jobs said, “You’ve go to start with the customer experience and work back to the technology, not the other way around.” According to Sirius Decisions, 70% of the B2B buying process is done before the buyer engages with sales. This belies the notion that Sales […]

Just Who Needs Training in American Companies? (Spoiler Alert! It’s NOT just the “Workers”) One of the biggest challenges for marketing is creating cooperative teamwork between marketing and other departments, especially in the traditionally uneasy partnership with Sales and, as technology increasingly becomes a part of marketing, IT departments. According to the American Society for […]

What will it be in 2014? Will the disruption be more mobile, even bigger data, consumer behavior that conforms to an algorithm, the next Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft? Whatever the next technological and marketing disruptions turn out to be they’re sure to change the way we interact with and engage our audiences. This SocialAgenda […]

By Olga Kostrova, COO of SocialAgenda Media.  We started our company and love so much what we do because we have the opportunity to work with remarkable people. Our thought leadership marketing clients, as well as our speakers strive for excellence, seek deep insights that help them arrive at better understandings. They improve the lives […]
